Friday, March 13, 2015

"Oh, my aunt's cousin twice removed has an Arabian"

Hey guys,

So as a person who has been active in the horse world for the past sixteen years, there’s something that has always made me laugh. Well made me laugh and also semi-annoyed me. It all starts with a well-intentioned non-horse-person.

“Oh ___[insert random person you don’t know at all]___ is coming to ___[insert some sort of gathering]___. You guys can talk horses.”

This statement is always meant to bring two people together with the power of a shared interest. However in my personal experience that once you get past a certain age (let’s say about 14) and actually get into the world of horses this isn’t something that is easily done.

Back in the day -  I’m about to drop a rather embarrassing personal anecdote on you guys – when I first ventured out onto the world wide web, back in the days of dial-up and a one hour time limit on the internet (all it took was a month of free-rein and an astronomical phone bill to have my fledgling wings clipped) I spent most of my time on the internet on the TY message boards. Yep, TY as in Beanie Babies – those things you had hundreds of because they were going to be worth a fortune one day, the same ones you gave to the less-fortunate 8 years later except for the ones that had sentimental value – Keep in mind this was circa 1999/2000 so I was in Grade 6. The TY message boards were the perfect dip into the shallow end of the internet if you will.

It was on those said message boards that I met a young girl about my age (in hindsight I was very lucky that she turned out to be exactly who she said she was) who was also into horses. Her and I bonded and chatted almost every day on these boards. Due to the nature of the message boards and their extreme moderation we were unable to exchange e-mails and lost touch once the world of Beanie Babies lost it’s appeal, and a person can only take so much Comic Sans in their life. Well maybe almost a year later (maybe less, who really knows) I managed to stumble across her horse RPG website (judge me all you want I was a 12 year old introvert who had no clue what an introvert was) and we reconnected. Fast forward to today when 15 years later we live about 20 minutes away from each other (a major difference from when she lived in Oklaholma and I lived in Alberta) and are still close.

Anyways the point of that story is that the whole “bonding over horses” is really easy to do when you’re young and really just love horses of any shape or size.
As you get older it gets harder, what many people don’t realize is that saying you’re into horses is like saying you’re into sports. That could mean anything. There are so many different sports within the umbrella topic of “horses”. For some reason it is really complicated for people to understand. Being a horse owner must mean that I jump right? No? Oh then you are into rodeo? No? That horse dancing thing?

You mean Dressage? Yeah close enough. 

As someone who shows on the Arabian horse circuit, if you don’t run into someone who knows the breed or the circuit, you’re better off just being vague. More often then not when you try and explain something such as “Hunter Pleasure” to a NHP as I will now refer to them, eventually this is said “So you basically just ride your horse in a bunch of circles,” 

At that point I do my best to refrain from punching the person in the nose, I didn’t sit here making fun of your sport did I? And just answer with a clipped “Pretty much,” and then spend the rest of the encounter being annoyed. Most people don’t understand how frustrating this is, and I do my best to be fairly understanding, if it is a person who I genuinely like and seems genuinely interested I will go into detail and explain, usually along with pictures and video even. 

One of the worst dates in my life I’ve ever been on, I got into an argument with the guy because he thought it was stupid that I wouldn’t take my horses out on trail rides, even though I detest trail rides and don’t find them relaxing or fun.  

I’ve clearly gone off topic and gotten on a tangent, and now I’m pissed off thinking about that horrible date and what an asshole that guy was. Pro dating tip: Try not insulting each other’s passions on the first date. In fact don’t do this ever. 

Back to the topic at hand – here-in lies the problem with the whole you can talk horses conversation.

Person #1 – “Oh so you ride? That’s cool I do Hunter/Jumper,”

Person #2 – “That sounds like fun, I show Arabians” (let me point out that that’s a lie, I do not think Hunter/Jumper sounds like fun, I think that sounds terrifying. The only time I want all four of my horse’s feet off the ground are during the canter. I’ll leave the jumping to the people who enjoy it, and until then I will just watch – and laugh silently to myself when your horse refuses and you go flying – this is horrible to admit but it’s the truth and this is my blog so I do what I want)

P#1 – “Nice,”


On occasion one person might be feeling a little bit generous and this might be an alternate ending:

P#1 – “Nice, a friend of mine owns an arab” (Friend being interchangeable with: Family member, person at my barn, this lady I once met in a Starbucks – who wouldn’t shut up once she noticed I was wearing jods)

P#2 – “Oh, that’s cool”


Maybe it’s just me and it’s because I genuinely hate small talk, and meeting new people. But I’m just going to go out on a limb and say that THIS IS NOT FUN. This is no one’s idea of fun. Unless you magically wind up talking to someone who does the same thing as you, you will likely have zero to talk about. And if you are in the same discipline in the same breed then odds are you already know this person, and at that point you have to just pray it’s someone you like.

I’m lucky enough to live in the Horse Capital of Canada, yep a small-ish, rural-ish city full of rich people with oil money. It just screams “buy your kid a horse” which honestly if you can afford it and your kid is passionate about it, you should. Horses teach all sorts of amazing life lessons but that is another blog post for another time. However, this pretty much leads to horse people ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE.

And I don’t know about you but - “Man, the price of hay these days, Am I right?”  - Isn’t my idea of a good time or good conversation for that matter.

In conclusion I just want to point out that world of horses is a wide and wonderful place. Racing, Barrel Racing, Cutting, Roping, Reining, Penning, Dressage, Jumping, Cross Country, Halter, English Pleasure, Saddleseat, Native Costume, 5-Gaited, 3-Gaited, Hunter Pleasure, Western Pleasure, Equitation, Trail, Endurance riding, Pleasure riding, Driving, and ALL THE DISCIPLINES I missed. If you’re into horses there is something in there for you. However having a horse doesn’t give a person endless topic conversations to have with another horse owner.  And even if it does and we start talking about farriers or what we think about natural horsemanship, any NHP bystanders will likely be bored out of their skulls.

So please, just stop. Together we can put an end to the awkward small talk.

Disclaimer: I have MANY friends who own horses of different breeds, or participate in other disciplines, and I love them. But I can guarantee you I love them for who they are as people and not because they have horses.

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