Saturday, August 22, 2015

Moving on.

When is enough enough?

Why is it that bad stuff seems to all happen at the same time?

Seems like it is the rules of the universe, when shit gets bad it gets REALLY bad. I have become a master of looking on the bright side of things. I know that things will get better. Every storm cloud runs out of rain and all that jazz.

Sometimes though knowing that eventually the hurt and the pain of this moment will subside doesn't help much. Because in the right now it hurts very much.

It's hard to see your hopes and dreams for the future just completely vaporize before your very eyes.

Breakups are hard in general. Never mind when they are foisted upon you completely out of the blue amongst all the other things you've been struggling with lately.

Time to made the hard decisions and the tough choices. If I'm going to be forever alone it should at least be on my own terms and not a side effect of other people's actions and choices.

Friday, August 7, 2015

I'm a creative GENIUS.... jk I'm not

I am a woman of many hobbies.

Maybe it’s a subconscious tick after watching Idle Hands as a kid at Lac du Bonnet with my cousins - But I ALWAYS have to be doing something. I always have a project on the go. 

Anyone who knows me can attest to the many different things I’ve tried my hand at –

  • Paint by numbers
  • Painting WITHOUT numbers (this was not as successful)
  • Knitting
  • Arm-knitting
  • Crocheting
  • Needlepoint
  • Painting my nails obsessively and becoming not too bad at nail art.
  • Sewing
  • Quilting
  •  Scrapbooking
  • Make up
  • Pottery
  • Cosplay Sculpting
  • Baking
  • Pyrography

The list goes on I’m sure, but I tend to go on mega tangents. Granted this more so tended to happen when I was single and had a lot more free time. (If I was going to be a spinster I was going to be a good one DAMMIT!) But that being said I am fairly lucky to have found someone willing to indulge me and hang one of my “Paintings” in his bedroom and keep a business magnet of mine on his fridge. So credit where credit is due.

I’ve always approached most tasks with a “Pfffft I could totally make that” attitude. Granted, not everything comes out the way I exactly picture it in my head. I think the stuffed dragon I made for my friend’s poor son Lachlan is proof of that. This is what happens when you try to “wing” making a dragon stuffy without a pattern. A far cry from the dragon I made for his younger brother. 

Lachlan's sad Dragon

Cohen's awesome little Toothless

Generally the question becomes “How did you know you were good at that?” Easy – I didn’t I HAD NO CLUE. I grabbed myself some supplies, and just took a stab at whatever it was, maybe I watched a couple youtube videos or found a helpful pinterest tutorial. But more often than not it was a “Here goes nothing!” Type of situation.

I’ve always been fairly creatively inclined, even though I usually stunk in art class. My drawing capabilities are nothing to write home about but almost anything else seemed to work. I am definitely NOT the artist in the family, on EITHER side of my family tree.  Wanna see something impressive – My cousin drew this on the way to Disney World on the plane. That’s talent. 

I think my artistic nature does come from my paternal Grandmother though, she is artsy and talented AF. Props to you Grandma. 

I must say though on a fairly consistent basis I surprise the crap out of myself.  I have two t-shirt quilts, a stuffed toothless, a game of thrones couples costume for me AND my horse, and a nice small little Pyrography business to show for it.

I don’t really know where I was going with all of this, probably to just say “Hey, that thing you don’t think you can make? Give it a try,” Worse case scenario is that you wind up with a really sad floppy dragon like poor Lachlan. 

-I’m sorry Lachlan, maybe one day I will try to make you a Shark blanket and see if THAT works (don’t hold your breath)