Wednesday, April 8, 2015

For the love of Ink

My name is Caitlin, and I am an addict. Let’s just lay that out on the table.  It’s true, addiction runs pretty deep in my family, and I would never ever make light of how serious a disease addiction can be.  But just because my addictions are what are currently considered “harmless” (ie. They don’t affect my health, loved ones, or my work) doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I’m going to talk about one of my favourite addictions – can you have a favourite addiction? Is that like picking a favourite child? Whatever – Tattoos.

I LOVE tattoos. I love planning tattoos, I love getting tattoos (okay within reason the tail end of an eight hour sitting is less fun), I love looking at other people’s tattoos, swapping tattoo stories, bouncing ideas off of other people. I love ALL of it! – Okay maybe not the time it comes to hand over the hard earned/carefully saved cash part but it’s the nature of the beast. 

Everyone does it differently but for me it always starts with something I love - Whether it’s a quote, a person, or a deeply engrained love for all things Disney. Randomly I will come across something that signals something in my brain that I HAVE to have that - Right now - ON MY BODY. Then it becomes an obsession.  More often than not I will obsess over something for about 2 days then call and make an appointment.  Yeah I move quickly. And I often tell only a selected small group of people I’m even getting work done. SURPRISE MOM! 

As someone with a fair amount of tattoos. (Currently at press time the count is 10) I often get asked questions about tattoos. Today I am going to answer them for you [insert jazz hands here]

Where is the best place to get tattooed?
My answer to this is always the same, there is no BEST place. I can tell you where I like to go and why, but everyone is different. I have been tattooed by a LOT of different people (even a guy with an eye-patch which was the coolest thing ever) and will likely be tattooed by many more. There are SO many fantastic artists out there, look around, do your research, read reviews, look at portfolios. Depending on what you want tattooed will help you decide who should be your artist. All I can say is PLEASE proofread your tattoos if there is any wording... no one wants a “No Regrats” situation.

Oh and for the record my current go-to artist is Andi Bolz at The Fountainhead Tattoo. She is the tits and a delight to be tattooed by.

What area hurts the most?
Well coming from a person who has by no means tattooed their whole body I can only tell you this, joints tend to kind of suck, ankles, armpits, backs of knees. Basically if the skin is thin it’s going to be more sensitive. Make sure you’ve eaten a good meal ahead of time, and keep granola bars handy for snacking, and for the love of god try not to take any bathroom breaks if you can avoid it. The minute your adrenaline drops, or you get hungry you’re in for a rough time, and it’s time to call it quits on the session. I also believe in sitting as still as absolutely possible, if it’s a sensitive area just bear down and suck it up and sit like a champ. The better you sit the quicker your artist can finish up that spot. They do this for a living; they know that tattooing your armpit doesn’t tickle. So sit still and make their life a bit easier. 

No seriously, didn’t that hurt?
Pain is relative. In the grand scheme of ways I’ve hurt myself... ie. Stubbing a toe on the coffee table, accidentally pinching my tear duct with my nails (don’t ask), or breaking a bone – getting a tattoo is cake.  It’s kind of like getting waxed, yeah it stings for a little bit but nothing unbearable. And honestly once your adrenaline really kicks in, pfft. No problem. I’ve almost fallen asleep getting tattooed. 

Do you regret any of your tattoos?
Nope!  While I love some more than others theres not one I would get rid of. Although one day when I’m rich I would love to work my trio of tramp stamps into a bigger back piece.

Do you think I’m too old to get a tattoo?

What happens when you’re old and wrinkly?
Who gives a fuck? I’ll deal with that when I’m old & wrinkly. 

Which is your favourite tattoo?
My favourite tattoo has to be my Dad’s writing. It’s not the biggest or prettiest or most colorful. But it’s got a buttload of sentimental value. And to everyone who thinks it is a cheesy Maroon 5 tattoo - HA! fooled you! It is both a cheesy Maroon 5 tattoo and a super sentimental tribute and reminder from my Dad that he loved the crap out of me. So all you haters can go suck on that! Muahahaha

How many tattoo’s are you going to get/When will you be done?
Beats me. 

What does your family think of your tattoos?
Well my Mom & Dad paid for my first one, and to this day are pretty much the only people who have tried to get me to almost completely undress in front of strangers to show them my tattoos. Trust me everyone it’s as awkward for me as it is for you.

You’re going to run out of room!
Well that one is more of a statement. But yes I worry about this; tattoo real estate is in high demand especially when you’ve decided you won’t ever get a tattoo you can’t hide by clothes. (Yes, this rules out any face tattoos. Dang)

Tattooing has come a LONG way in the past 20 years, with the quality of artists and skill there is no excuse anymore for shitty tattoos - I got drunk and let my friend tattoo me in a basement is not a legitimate excuse. Don’t be an idiot. Tattoos are becoming more and more common in the work place, and while a giant face tattoo may limit your choices of profession, other more inconspicuously placed tattoos do not. 

The world is your oyster my tattooed friends!
And to all those with virgin skin, I salute you as well.

TL;DR:  I love my tattoos and really don’t give a fig what anyone else thinks.

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