Friday, February 9, 2018

Curiousity made the cat a more well rounded individual

“Curiosity killed the cat,” We’ve all heard it. We’ve all probably said it at one point. Let me make this clear – I hate that saying. – Don’t get me wrong I’ve sat and watched my kitten make some relatively unsound choices in the name of curiosity – but who hasn’t? 

Why would you not want to foster curiosity in a person or child? 

Curiosity is an amazing force, and I for one am proud to be a curious person.

Ask anyone of my closest friends and they might at any point tell you something along the lines of “Caitlin knows a ton of weird facts,” or “Caitlin is the person I go to when I have a question about something I don’t want to ask other people.”

I might slightly pride myself a bit on these two things, because it’s true. My brain is an encyclopaedia of bizarre and obscure knowledge. I love being able to help my friends, or just to drop fun little facts here and there.

And here’s why….

I am curious as fuck. I love learning new things, weird facts, stuff that might not be common knowledge. If I hear someone talk about something I’ve never heard before – you better believe I’m sitting there googling it or making a mental note to google it later. I would 100% be surprised if I wasn’t on some sort of watch list for the weird stuff I’ve searched for over the years (although I sincerely hope I’m not). 

When I’m not googling something, I’m listening to podcasts, or watching documentaries, or weird youtube videos. Heck I’ve fallen down serious Wikipedia rabbit holes about pretty much every major royal family. 

Now I really hope I’m not shattering anyone’s image of an “all-knowing being” that is me, but honestly people – where did you THINK I learned this stuff. 

My point is this – knowledge is power, and while there’s some stuff I CHOOSE to be ignorant about. It never hurts to do your research, not to be the type of person who needs to correct people, but to just understand – for myself. No one likes that person who needs to correct people ALL THE TIME (did you understand what I meant? Then don’t be an asshole!)

I love people who are constantly learning and seeking new information like a sponge. Curiosity is what drives this for me, and I’m sure for others too. I like knowing “Why?” and “How come?” and in the world where the internet is at our fingertips, there’s no reason not to know. 

Here’s to being forever curious – and to also hoping my kitten makes good choices and stays alive.
Arthur making.... interesting choices